jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

How learn to cook

In this post ,  I'm going to present my draft about this learning.
I'm going to present how to do "Migas" with some food supplements:

I'm going to do presentation where I going to teach how to do "Migas" I'm going to put some photos.
Then I will add the explanation in audio at the same time that the photos , I can add some subtitles.


1st: I’m going to put in the frying pan , three cloves of garlic with some olive oil, and I’m going to cook some food supplement in another frying pan.

2nd I’m going to remove the cloves of garlic until It take flavour.

3rd I’m going to put some water carefully because when in contact with oil, it  may splash and steam off.

4th I’m going to put 800-1000 gr of flour and I have to achieved that the “Migas” have a good texture.

Presentation about "How to do Migas":



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